Today’s Prompt: Who Do You Envy?

Who do you envy?

*Depending on your current state of awakening (i.e. what you know about) you may find this post offensive – if so, please know it’s not my intention, and please do also understand this is not the theme of this blog generally – it’s in response to the daily prompt and is a great part of the struggles I face at the moment. But if this post isn’t for you, I hope you will come back and check out my mental health posts at a later date. There are many sides to a person. This is just one aspect of my reality. My views and my experience of the last three years don’t change who I am or the mental health challenges I face (on top of everything written in this post). Thanks for reading if you do*

Who do I envy? I envy those susceptible to mind-control and hypnosis. The last three years have seen a worldwide mass hypnosis of the global population. The offender? The television and the newspapers – the media. My battle is with that media, not those currently under their control.

It has been incredible to watch from the outside, as people fall for every single PSYOP and every piece of propaganda pumped out through the television. I stopped watching the news over a year ago. I subsequently don’t know what they’re now telling people on the ‘news’. I can tell you one thing though – it will be lies. If it’s in the news, it’s fake. If it’s NOT in the news, it’s reality. They tell you what they want you believe, and they tell you how to feel about it too.

I learnt about propaganda when I did history at secondary school…. how quickly a nation / world forgets. Take the Russia situation for example… the ‘war’ starts, and the Russian news channel is completely banned in the UK. To some this would seem a good idea – a punishment for a perceived crime… to me, it appears as though we do not want to hear both sides of the story… we want to simply push our own narrative and tell people what to believe about it. Why not let people watch the news from Russia, and make up their own minds on the truth?

The same with all the censorship and ‘fact-checking’ on social media – why not allow discussion of ideas and let people come to their own conclusions? That’s the sort of world I want to live in – the sort of world I thought we DID live in. It changed so rapidly, to this dystopian, totalitarian world, with thought police, and those intent on hiding the truth from the public. If what people are saying is really untrue or it’s ‘conspiracy theory’, then why feel so threatened? Why not let it stand and let those people look foolish? The only reason you would censor people is to hide what you do not want the public to know. If you see something ‘fact-checked’ by Facebook, I can almost guarantee you there is truth in what was shared. Anything ‘fact-checked’ is true. They just don’t want you to know it. If it was incorrect, they’d simply let it stand.

People have a right to discuss issues and think and say what they wish on ANY topic. People have the right to access any and all information, from all perspectives of an argument, and make up their own mind what they believe. With censorship, there can be no honesty… no trust… no informed consent – to anything. Anyone who thinks they provided informed consent for the injection of substances into their body, is sadly one of those susceptible to the hypnosis. They were never given access to all of the information. I’m 99.9% sure those in the medical profession did not inform them of the true possible side-effects. They did not tell them the truth about how ‘safe and effective’ they really were. They lied. It’s coming out now – if you’re not under the effects of the hypnosis. Some are still too lost in their televisions and newspapers to notice. And there was so much censorship online about those injections. You couldn’t discuss it. They locked people down, meaning people could not gather and have conversations in person about these things – this meant people had to make their own minds up, based on what the media told them… what the bought and paid for doctors told them… because anything against the drug-pushing was censored online.

I envy those who even to this day, do not realise what’s really going on. Those who still believe every narrative put out there – political ones… wars… pandemics… insurrections… I cannot even begin to imagine what life must be like for these people who live in ignorant bliss. Yes, they are controlled by fear and anger – something that left me over a year ago, once I woke up to the truth. So in that way their lives must be chaotic at times… but they believe in the stories they’re told. They actually have it easier than the rest of us. So many people now, are awake… we’ve broken the spell – or were never under it… it’s been worse for us. One day I will tell that story in full. But for now, let’s just say that knowing what reality is, and watching friends and family and basically the whole country fall for every distraction tactic… for every bit of fear porn… for every rage-baiting piece of propaganda… it’s the most frustrating thing. People have chosen division and hatred. They still do. Instead of uniting with us against the puppet-masters, they do their bidding – dividing us by race, gender, religion, political stance. Left and right wings are part of the same bird. Men, women, black, white, every religion – we are all on the same side once we decide to be. We are not each other’s enemy. The global ‘elite’ – those in charge, are the real enemy. And once we all unite against them, it’s game over for them. There’s a heck of a lot more of us than them. The trouble is too many of us are completely asleep to what’s happening and continue to fight each other.

People were conned into poisoning themselves. How we got there is another story altogether. I know too many people affected by that poison, yet we are still in a situation where a lot of people would queue up to inject more into their system. They haven’t broken free of the television – I keep telling people, just turn it off, for good. Stop reading mainstream news. Until you do, you will never be a free-thinking being. Stop fearing being labelled a conspiracy theorist…. it’s the best thing to be right now, as all conspiracy theories are coming true.

While I understand why people have done the things they’ve done – fear… I have to say I envy how simple their life has been these past three years. They rolled their sleeves up, got injected, probably got ill several times afterwards and said ‘So grateful for the jabs – could’ve been a lot worse without it’… no my friend, you cannot possibly know that – you may never have got ill if you hadn’t taken it… and these people carried on in their ‘new normal’ they accepted with no issue. They put their dirty piece of cloth over their mouths, reducing oxygen intake, increasing carbon dioxide intake and inhalation of bacteria on that cloth… stood two metres apart… went one-way around a shop… stood on stickers telling them where to stand… downloaded an app on their phone, to allow them to live their lives ‘freely’… they stuck things in their throats and right up their noses weekly / daily depending on the level of addiction… and got disappointed when the little stick told them they had ‘the ‘rona’. They shared their proof of injection cards online…. their stickers to say they’re good boys and girls for doing it… they shared photos of their positive tests, complaining about their self-imposed quarantines… they changed their profile pictures to tell the world they’d been jabbed…. or to wear a mask… or to stay at home (I did this at the start – shows you how far I’ve come).

They sat and criticised those who chose not to be injected… calling them selfish… scared of needles (WTF??)… dangerous… granny-killers. They said we shouldn’t be allowed NHS treatment… that their kind should be prioritised. They said we should be excluded from society – banned from all public spaces as a punishment for not conforming. Many unjabbed people were ostracised by family and friends. Relationships were destroyed because our opinions were rejected by the compliant herd. They said we should have things taken away from us, until we complied. They said we still had a choice. We could choose to be injected and have our freedom, or we could choose to not be injected and have no life. They said all of these things without flinching. They saw nothing wrong in what they said. This is because the mind-control of the media was so intense that it programmed people to behave in this way towards us. They provoked such immense fear in people, that it somehow excused any and all behaviours they displayed. They thought it was acceptable given the circumstances. And now they want an amnesty. They want us to just forgive and forget. Well, they certainly want us to forget. I’m not sure they want forgiveness, as that would mean acknowledging they did something wrong – that hasn’t happened yet. They just don’t want to be held accountable for their actions at all.

They even wished death on us. Here’s a good image I saw online….

It’s very true. People took that stuff and wished death or harm on those who chose not to take it. In the meantime we sat back, watching helplessly as loved ones injected themselves with God knows what, over and over again…. silently pleading for them to stop. Knowing the risks they were taking in doing so. Unable to do anything about it. Praying for their health and survival. And now, as the longer-term side-effects are appearing, feeling sick that we were right. We never wanted to be right. We so desperately wanted to be wrong. That’s the difference in us. We saw people get jabbed and wished to be wrong about what we knew… we wanted them to be okay. In the meantime they judged us for not getting jabbed, wanted to be right – believed 100% without a doubt that they were right, and hoped we’d get sick and die to teach us a lesson. I even know of someone in my family tree who thought that people should be held down and forcibly injected. We can never unsee that now. People’s true colours really did show. No matter if they’re under hypnosis or mind-manipulation, this is who they are in their hearts. It’s been revealing… quite saddening really. I’m not living among the sorts of people I thought I was.

But I envy those who live among the apparent majority in their fictitious ‘reality’ of fear and disinformation…. those who don’t even know there’s a lot they don’t know. They don’t know that they’re asleep. They don’t know what we’ve been going through, watching them. They don’t know that their reality is fake. I envy that simplicity. Because the flipside of that is feeling like a minority who can see through the veil of lies and knows that it’s all a show now… none of it is real – but you can’t have these conversations with most people, as they’re under the spell still. So you have to somehow find a way to coexist with these people… you have to live in their weird little fantasy world, as otherwise you’re stuck in limbo… waiting for them to catch up and live in actual reality with you. You have to otherwise watch people you love, inject themselves for the fifth time, knowing that in Russian roulette you normally only have six rounds… if it’s not the fifth it’ll be the sixth that does it. You sit here, praying for the truth to reveal even quicker, so the next booster season doesn’t come round, where you have to tolerate the same despair as you face potential loss. You witness people all around getting autoimmune diseases, heart issues, strokes, cancers, blood clots, neurological issues – all things that came out of nowhere after the you-know-what. You hear from other less awake people, that colleagues died after the first injection…. or that family had major strokes just after the fourth one. All the while you are labelled as a conspiracy theorist, and disinformation-spreader, for trying to share the truth. You’re censored by those intent on spreading the disinformation – social media… and people stop talking to you, because you don’t bleat the mainstream narrative.

People don’t realise you’re fighting for their existence. For their freedom. For humanity. They see you as the enemy, when all you feel is love towards them. I used to ask myself if I’d rather be asleep or know the truth. I used to say I’d rather be awake to reality, rather than being manipulated by the powers that be. I’d rather be free-thinking than blindly trusting of authority and not in control of my own mind. I think the same still stands… but I do still envy those who never had to face the challenges we have, for knowing the truth. They have no idea just how easy they have had it. I hope one day they will find out.